The IHPH at the University Hospital Bonn will record the drinking water supply structure, georeference water sources and conduct microbiological analyses in the study areas. Essential components of the IHPH’s work include conducting sanitary inspections and a household survey.
Standardised questionnaires are used to conduct an epidemiological situation analysis, to record the subjective perception of water-associated diseases among the affected population after flooding due to heavy rainfall, and to statistically evaluate the data. In addition, sanitary inspections are carried out to determine the risk potential for existing drinking water sources according to WHO guidelines.
Due to the travel restrictions imposed by the Corona pandemic, the work on site must be carried out solely by the Cameroonian cooperation partners. After joint coordination of the study design and selection of the study areas via digital meetings, the survey will be carried out in the coming weeks by students and staff of the Unité de Recherche sur les Eaux Usées and the Département de Géographie de l’Université de Yaoundé I.
In preparation for the surveys and the localisation of the drinking water sources, the results of the IWW’s drone surveys will be used. With the help of the aerial photographs, the potential study area was delimited with regard to the settlement structure and visible drinking water sources in such a way that the Cameroonian project partners can carry out targeted site visits and the survey can start in late summer 2021.