In Ngousso, the project partners from the University of Yaoundé I successfully conducted a household survey to assess risk perception and collect health data. This survey was the third one within the INTEWAR project. In all project areas, important findings related to risk perception and risk behavior were obtained, and commonly used drinking water sources were identified, georeferenced, and assessed for risk classification using Sanitary Inspections (WHO).
Based on the insights gained from the survey, 30 drinking water sources in Ngousso were identified and successfully sampled in an initial campaign. Hygienic and microbiological analyses are being conducted on-site in the laboratory of the University of Yaoundé I, and the results are shared with the IHPH. The IHPH assesses the quality of drinking water using this data. In collaboration with partners from Yaoundé, the responsible authorities of the drinking water sources are informed about the results and provided with recommendations for improving and ensuring water quality if necessary.
Furthermore, out of the 30 drinking water sources, 10 representative sources have been selected for regular sampling from August 2023 until the end of the project to monitor potential changes in water quality, especially during the rainy season. In total, the IHPH and the University of Yaoundé I are conducting this routine examination at all three project sites and have analyzed approximately 300 samples thus far.